Watch 002 – Brexit Leave Date – 31st January 2020
(Published November 2019)
The 31st October 2019 was heavily marked for an ‘escape’ of the UK from the European Union (see section below). However, even though the typology of the ‘net’ (of John 21:11) was compelling, it was not the date for the UK to finally ‘escape’ from the European Union.
Is this ‘marking’ now proved to be false? Possibly, if it was not for the fact that the next potential ‘leave’ date (31st January 2020), as will be seen, has an even stronger ‘marking’ upon it than the 31st October 2019.
It is conceivable that the marking on the 31st October 2019 was an intermediary towards the final ‘escape’; an emphasis that the UK’s exit from the EU, whenever it happens, has spiritual significance. This would be consistent with Hebrew scriptures which contain layers of type and teaching depicting the same truth. God certainly prepares and endorses His message through preparatory picture and metaphor before the final outworking of His plan – the annually sacrificed Passover Lamb being the arch type before Messiah’s final sacrifice for all. The two proclamations by John the Baptist of ‘Behold the Lamb of God!’ (John 1:29, 36) confirmed this type and truth. So, the 31st October 2019 appears to be a symbolic picture towards a later departure of the UK from the European Union.
What of the 31st January 2020? An understanding of the progression of ‘escape’ is required. First there is an escape of individuals (signified by the Chilean Miner Rescue in 2010), followed by an escape of a nation (Brexit) followed by a ‘global’ escape of the Body of Christ at the Rapture. The Chilean Miners escaped ‘physical’ death, the United Kingdom escapes ‘national’ death (loss of sovereignty) and the Body of Christ escapes ‘eternal’ death (the second death of Revelation 20:6) at the Rapture. Individual, then national followed by concluding global is the progression (and signification) of ‘escape’, underpinned with a mathematical narrative of triangular numbers. ‘The Watch’ chapter in the book ‘Unlocking the Biblical Watch’ (UBW) explains this progression in much more detail.
Triangular numbers are used by the Lord to ‘label’ or ‘mark’ individuals or groups of people with whom He intends to intervene. One such triangular ‘labelling’ or ‘marking’ (again read the teaching paper ‘Symmetry of Eve’ for the biblical meaning of triangular numbers), is the triangular number ‘2080’. It is the final triangular number which relates to the United Kingdom. But first some background.
As a result of the Balfour Declaration (a letter which was arguably the tangible beginning of the reestablishment of Israel as a nation in 1948), God blessed the United Kingdom with Queen Elizabeth II who was crowned queen of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth in 1953. Those who bless Israel reap a blessing according to the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 12:3 “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”) [Note that the author has updated his understanding of God’s reciprocated blessing in this matter to be primarily Brexit, with the UK sovereign at that time being Queen Elizabeth II, who was crowned in 1953. This update does not significantly affect the conclusions or premise of this paper.]
Significantly, Elizabeth was crowned on the 153rd day of 1953, namely the 2nd June, and in a year whose number contains the digits ‘1’, ‘5’ and ‘3’, in order. On this same day (2nd June 1953), important news came in that the commonwealth climber Sir Edmund Hilary had conquered Mount Everest (the highest mountain in the world). This news confirmed this day as a ‘high’ day in global history. Most importantly, however, God also marked the United Kingdom with the triangular number ‘153’ by embedding it into the date of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. Biblically, the number ‘153’ speaks of the completed church and her ‘escape’ at the Rapture (as explained in UBW). Through the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, this theme of ‘escape’ is strongly associated with the United Kingdom.
The year of Queen Elizabeth’s coronation, ‘1953’, is a triangular number. As it happens, the next triangular number (in the mathematic series of triangular numbers) is ‘2016’ – the year of the Brexit referendum which triggered the ‘escape’ of the UK from national death (loss of sovereignty). Could the next triangular number (which follows ‘2016’ in the triangular number series) be significant? Yes, it is because it is the exact number of days between the Chilean Miner Rescue (at midnight!) on the 13th October 2010 and the Brexit Referendum on the 23rd June 2016. The number of days between these two events is exactly ‘2080’ days – ‘2080’ being the next mathematical triangular number after ‘2016’. The following diagram illustrates the relationship between these triangular numbers. Note that in mathematics, '1953' is the 62nd triangular number, '2016' is the 63rd triangular number and '2080' is the 64th triangular number:
What is interesting is that this triangular number link (‘2080’), between the Chilean Miner rescue and the Brexit Referendum, opens up a divine opportunity for symmetry. If ‘2080’ days link the Chilean Miner rescue and the Brexit Referendum, could ’2080’ days link the completion of Brexit with the global ‘escape’ of the Body of Christ at the Rapture?
A possible date for the Rapture according to the biblical watch is the 13th October 2025. This possible date is arrived at by multiple independent biblical routes, (as detailed in UBW). If the symmetry of the triangular number ‘2080’ (in the above diagram) is to be fulfilled, what is the required 'leave' date for the UK to finally exit the EU? The answer is midnight on the 31st January 2020!
In this scenario, the number of days between the Brexit Referendum and the ‘Brexit Leave’ date is 1317 days. There are only 34 words in the original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic text of the bible, with a numerical value of 1317. This includes the Greek word for ‘revelation’ (an unveiling, uncovering or revealing) as well as the Greek words for ‘appearing’ and ‘last’. All of which are words which speak of (or relate to) the second coming of Christ which, for the church, will be at the Rapture. The diagram below illustrates this symmetry:
As an after-thought, out of all the triangular numbers in mathematics (which God may have chosen regarding this pattern and progression), why did He start off with the 62nd triangular number of ‘1953’? The answer lies in the Book of Daniel, because Daniel understood by the books the number of the years (specified by the word of the Lord) in the first year of the reign of Darius the Mede:
Daniel 9:2 in the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.
When did Darius the Mede come to his throne? When he was 62 years old!
Daniel 5:31 And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about sixty-two years old.
There are more correlations regarding Daniel and Darius the Mede which are detailed in UBW.