Teaching Paper 003 – Nation Against Nation – The Demise of Gentile ‘World Domination in Favour of Israel

The Timings of Enoch and Messiah

The prime-fulfilment pattern is a repeatable mathematical pattern found in the Bible which details the prophetic progression of certain individuals or ‘groups’ with whom the Lord has dealings during the end-times. It is a pattern of elegant form which gives biblical forensic authentication to the fulfilment of major prophetic dispensational events

The audio talks carefully describe how the prime-fulfilment pattern is derived as well as the typological significance of Enoch and his son Methuselah in the Book of Genesis (the Book of Beginnings). The following few paragraphs summarise certain key facts regarding Enoch, Methuselah and the important statement in Matthew 24:38-39 regarding the timing of Messiahs return:

Matthew 24:38-39 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Four important biblical facts must be considered. First, Enoch was the first man (chronologically) to be taken alive to heaven (Hebrews 11:5), which is what will happen to the living church at the end of the Christian age when Messiah returns for His church. Note that the ‘dead in Christ’ will be resurrected at the same time and both these events are collectively known as the ‘Rapture’. Secondly, it can be calculated from scripture that Enoch’s son, Methuselah, died in precisely the same year in which Noah’s Flood began. Thirdly, Enoch correctly predicted the timing of Noah’s Flood (nearly 1000 years before the event) because Enoch named his son ‘Methuselah’ which means in Hebrew ‘his death shall bring’ and that is exactly what happened. When Methuselah died, the judgement of God came at Noah’s Flood. Fourthly, Messiah Himself, aligned the timing of His return with the days just before Noah’s Flood which were, of course, the final days of Methuselah, the timing of whose death was correctly predicted by Enoch.

As such, Enoch and Methuselah are involved in the timing of Messiahs return. Enoch perfectly timed the beginning of Noah’s Flood because Methuselahs death was the fulfilment of Enochs prediction, and Messiah used this event of Noah’s Flood to predict the timing of His own return (Matthew 24:38-39). This biblical association of Enoch and Methuselah with the timing of Messiahs return is therefore important and alerts the reader that other biblical properties of Enoch and Methuselah (including mathematical) may be significant regarding the timing of Messiahs return. The Lord ensured that Enoch was the first man in the Bible to be raptured for a reason: to make it abundantly clear that this biblical typology of Enoch and Methuselah has a focus, not only on the Rapture but also on its timing!

The theme of Enoch and Methuselah, namely ‘the death of a son’ (Methuselah being the direct son of Enoch) also aligns with the death of God’s Son from Whom the harvest of life (John 12:24) is reaped at the return of Messiah at the Rapture.

John 12:24 Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.

The Prime-Fulfilment Pattern Basics

Filling in some of the detail, consider Adam as the ‘first’ or ‘prime’ of humanity. Enoch, who was the seventh from Adam (Jude 1:14) was therefore (in this ‘primal’ representation), the seventh prime. Enoch was also the first man to be raptured (chronologically) and his son, Methuselah, manifested an extraordinary physical life just before a global judgementa compelling fit with the event of the Rapture just before the Tribulation. In other words, Enoch as a ‘first’, typified the ‘first’ of physical resurrection (namely the flesh of Jesus) which would lead to the resurrection of many (see John 12:24) at the Rapture, as typified by the extraordinary manifestation of life of Methuselah (who lived the longest life in the Bible) before a judgement. 

Now, consider the numbers. Enoch is associated with the seventh prime which is the number 17 and Methuselah (his son) is represented by his age of ‘969’. These numbers are mathematically related by a figurative progression of ‘line’ to ‘pyramid’ (or tetrahedron) because the number ‘969’ is the 17th pyramid (or tetrahedral) number. Therefore, the typology of Enoch and Methuselah is underpinned mathematically with a figurative pattern of ‘line’ to ‘pyramid’. This is the essence of the prime-fulfilment pattern discovered in the Bible – a geometrical pattern which underpins the progression of major biblical events from ‘prime’ to ‘fulfilment’. In this case the progression is for the church (or the Body of Christ) from the first of Enoch (who represented the flesh of Jesus) to the ‘harvest’ of Methuselah (who represented the rapture of the completed church)!

The Gentile Nations

In this teaching, a newly discovered prime-fulfilment pattern in the Bible is considered, which relates to the Gentile Nations. A close examination of this pattern, as will be seen, reveals important timing information about the beginning of the consummation of the age, which in turn provides an anchor for the timing of Messiahs return.

To begin with, remember that Israel is not part of the Gentile Nations:

Numbers 23:9 For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him; There! A people dwelling alone, not reckoning itself among the nations.

The table below shows all the prime-fulfilment patterns discovered so far (in the Bible). 

Notice that each of the dispensational groups in this table are involved in the first resurrection (see Revelation 20:6).

The newly discovered prime-fulfilment pattern for the ‘Gentile Nations’ is shown in the table below:

It is during the consummation of the age that the Gentile Nations begin to lose their grip on world dominion. The consummation of the age is a transitional time period which began in 1933 (after 2000 bible years from AD 33 elapsed). This consummation (or end of the age’ see Matthew 24:3) is still running and will continue to do so until the second coming of Christ at the end of the Tribulation (to setup His 1000 year reign of the Millennial Kingdom). It may be regarded as the transition of world domination away from the Gentile Nations in favour of Israel. Clearly, the re-establishment of Israel as a sovereign nation state in 1948 was a notable aspect of this transition. Israel is on the rise (albeit in unbelief), however, after the Rapture, the Gentile Nations (under anti-Christ) will have one final fling at world domination. During these final few years, anti-Christ will manage to make an agreement with Israel but he will turn against Israel mid-Tribulation and desecrate the newly built third Temple in Jerusalem. Nevertheless, after 2300 days (lit. mornings and evenings), the sanctuary will be cleansed (as predicted by the ‘Wonderful Numberer’ in Daniel 8:13-14) which will conclude the Tribulation (Daniel 8:19). Note that the number ‘2300’ is the fulfilment number (23rd pyramid number in mathematics) for the prime-fulfilment pattern for ‘Believing Israel in the Tribulation’.

The numbers within the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations are, of course, found in the Bible and in contextually relevant verses. Importantly, the numbers and the pattern typologically encapsulate vital aspects of the consummation of the age including globally significant events in the 20th century.

Let’s take a look at these numbers. Note that more detail is found in the book ‘Unlocking the Biblical Watch of Messiah’s Return’ (UBW). 

The Number Five

On God’s fifth visitation with Abram (the visitations being Genesis 12:1, Genesis 12:7, Genesis 13:14, Genesis 15:1 and Genesis 17:1) God gave Abram the new name ‘Abraham’. At the changing of Abram’s name, God also changed the name of Abram’s wife from Sarai to Sarah, again by using the letter ‘Hey’. This injection of the fifth Hebrew (‘Hey’), coincided with Abraham and Sarah receiving divine grace because before her name change, Sarai was unable to bear children. The adding of the ‘Hey’ to ‘Sarai’ accompanied the opening of her womb for Isaac to be born. As Sarai, she was unfruitful but with the inclusion of the suffix ‘Hey’ (God’s grace) she became Sarah and she became fertile. This subsequent divine provision of ‘Isaac’, as the miraculous child of ‘promise’ to both Abraham and Sarah, was God’s grace because Abraham, aged 100 (Genesis 21:5) and Sarah, aged 90 (Genesis 17:17) were old – Sarah being past the age of childbearing.

As such, the number five has long been recognized as the number associated with divine ‘grace’ or ‘unmerited favour’. When God inserted the letter ‘Hey’ into Abram’s and his wife Sarai’s name, God was forever imprinting upon Abraham (and Sarah), the measure of His ‘grace’.

Notably, this grace was for the multiplication of the people (Jew and Gentile) who would come from the seed of Abraham because God stated that Abraham would also become the father of many nations:

Genesis 17:5 No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.

Moreover, there was a blessing in this grace of God to all nations as God later stated (after Abraham’s faithfulness to sacrifice his ‘only son’ Isaac – Genesis 22:12) that:

Genesis 22:18 “In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”

As it would turn out, those who would be blessed (through Isaac’s seed of Messiah) would be too large to number:

Revelation 7:9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,

So, this ‘grace’ and ‘blessing’ of God was extended to the nations of the earth and is notably expressed in the great image of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (Daniel 2:31-35) which had five sections: Babylon (Gold), Medo-Persia (Silver), Greece (Bronze), Roman (Iron) and final ‘Iron and Clay’ stage. The metal of each section appears to depict the ‘hardness’ of (the represented gentile empire’s) heart towards God. Beginning with the soft metal (gold and silver) at the top, both Nebuchadnezzar and Darius (the Mede) became believers and wrote statements of truth and faith which were addressed to all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues within their domain:

Daniel 4:1 Nebuchadnezzar the king, to all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you.

Daniel 6:25 Then King Darius wrote: To all peoples, nations, and languages that dwell in all the earth: Peace be multiplied to you.

However as time progressed, the Gentile Nations (represented by this image of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) became harder towards God until finally a stone (or rock) was required to crush these Gentile Nations (which become like ‘chaff in the wind’) in order for the Kingdom of God to be fully established in all the earth (Daniel 2:35).

Notably, Israel has more ‘fives’ representing this grace of God in protecting them. The song of Moses has five mentions (Deuteronomy 32:4; 32:15; 32:18; 32:30; 32:31) of this ‘Rock’ (a euphemism for Jesus) in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which confirm the immense grace poured out by God upon Israel. Israel also had the five books of Moses, the Torah, for guidance.

Even with this protection and guidance, the rebellion and disobedience of Israel caused God to judge them most severely and for a very long season (since King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon), the Gentile Nations (metaphorically represented by the great image of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream) have enjoyed world domination. As such, the number ‘five’ is a very apt thematic representation for the Gentile Nations. 

The Bible does teach, however, that Israel will rise again and be top nation under Messiah in the Millennial Kingdom. In this respect, the consummation of this age represents this transition when world domination begins to fade for the Gentile Nations in favour of Israel. The raising of Israel in 1948 (albeit in unbelief) was a notable example. Interestingly, modern day Israel’s Declaration of Independence concludes with the clause “PLACING OUR TRUST IN THE ‘ROCK OF ISRAEL’”.

Horses of Samaria and Feeding of the 5000

The artefacts of both the narratives of the siege of Samaria (2 Kings 7) and the feeding of the 5000 (John 6), have numeric and typological equivalence. In Samaria, the King provided five horses and two chariots (2 Kings 7:13-14). In the feeding of the 5000 (John 6), the King was provided with five barley loaves and two fish. 

Both sets of artefacts were for multiplication; the bread in the feeding of the 5000 was multiplied into food for the typically Gentile multitude; the five Samarian horses in type were multiplied and became like the multitude of Israel. Details are in the book: ‘Unlocking the Sign Miracles of John in the Consummation of the Age’ (USMOJ).

Five Husbands of the Woman at the Well

The five husbands of the woman at the well (in John 4:7) speak of the Gentile Nations racially mixed with Israel as a result of the Assyrian incursions into the northern kingdom (of Israel) before the Babylonian exile.

2 Kings 17:24 And the king of Assyria brought men from Babylon (1), and from Cuthah (2), and from Ava (3), and from Hamath (4), and from Sepharvaim (5), and placed them in the cities of Samaria instead of the children of Israel: and they possessed Samaria, and dwelt in the cities thereof.

When Jesus first revealed Himself to this Gentile Woman it was His first (typological) approach to the Gentiles where He stayed two days (2000 bible years). Now this gentile woman was to receive (a multiplied) provision that would never run out, as opposed to Jacob’s well (typical of the Torah) which needed repetitive visits. Moreover, this provision was from Messiah Himself:

John 4:14 “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Only Five Numbers Both Triangular and Pyramidal

Mathematics provides a profound ‘five’ in that there are only five numbers in the whole universe which are both triangular and pyramidal! Clearly by God’s extraordinary design! These five numbers are listed below:


The number 1 is the 1st triangular number and the 1st pyramid (tetrahedral) number

The number 10 is the 4th triangular number and the 3rd pyramid (tetrahedral) number

The number 120 is the 15th triangular number and the 8th pyramid (tetrahedral) number

The number 1540 is the 55th triangular number and the 20th pyramid (tetrahedral) number

The number 7140 is the 119th triangular number and the 34th pyramid (tetrahedral) number

The number ‘120’ is central to this unique collection of five numbers and points to the conclusion of the first resurrection at the 120th Jubilee (or 6000 bible years of history). The final number of ‘7140’ is found in the Bible as the numerical value of the verse which teaches of the death of ‘death’. The following verse of Revelation 20:14 has a numerical value of ‘7140’:

Revelation 20:14 Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

The Number ‘66’

The biblical meaning of the number ‘66’ is elusive but it is associated with gentile power in dominance over Israel. We read in Genesis 46:26 that precisely 66 persons went with Jacob to Egypt – Jacob’s name being ‘Israel’ and ‘Egypt’ a type of the Gentile Nations. Even though Joseph (Jacob’s son) had risen to the highest position in Egypt, Jacob (Israel) was still under Pharaoh’s (Egypt’s or Gentile) absolute rule.

In this same theme of ‘Gentile power over Israel’, it will be shown that the number ‘66’ in the Bible is also associated with the ‘forerunner’ anti-Christs of 1 John 2:18. 

1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.

The number ‘66’ is found in the Old Testament with the character Absalom who usurped the throne of his father David – the rightful King of Israel. Prophetically, Messiah will be seated on the throne of David (Luke 1:32) and so anyone who wrongly attempts to assume this throne is either a ‘forerunner’ anti-Christ or the final anti-Christ himself. Absalom did just this in 2 Samuel 15:4 and, as such, was a strong type of the final anti-Christ to come.

Absalom is first mentioned in the Bible in 2 Samuel 3:3, and this verse has a numerical value of 666 (‘Ordinal’ method), a number which is biblically linked with the anti-Christ in Revelation 13:18. Given the anti-Christ is the last world ruler of the Gentile Nations before their collapse of power in favour of Israel, this is a very important consideration of the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations. In this very same verse of 2 Samuel 3:3, the Hebrew name of ‘Absalom’ has a numerical value of ‘66’ (using the ‘Ordinal’ method – אבשלום Aleph [1] + Bet [2] + Shin [21] + Lamed [12] + Vav [6] + Mem [24] = 66) and adds weight to this theme of ‘wrongfully placed power’ or ‘anti-Christ’ power being embedded in the biblical meaning of the number ‘66’.

To give perspective as to the likelihood of these numbers appearing in this way, there are only 40 verses in the whole original text of scripture (31,170 verses) which have a numerical value of ‘666’ (using the ‘Ordinal’ method). When you also consider the surface narrative of 2 Samuel 3:3, it makes the appearance of these numbers (‘666’ and ‘66’) even more improbable.

Absalom, who is such an important character for this current day (given who he represents), has another numerical value of his Hebrew name which is ‘969’ (using the ‘Standard Final Form’ method –  לאבשלום Lamed [30)] + Aleph [1] + Bet [2] + Shin [300] + Lamed [30] + Vav [6] + Mem [600] = 969). This number first appears for Absalom when he had murderous intentions towards Amnon, King David’s firstborn son in 2 Samuel 13:23. Jesus taught that Satan was ‘a murderer from the beginning’ (John 8:44) and so it is no surprise that a character who typifies anti-Christ, is also a murderer. The number ‘969’ focuses the timing of the murderous intentions of anti-Christ at the beginning of the Tribulation because Methuselah’s death at 969 (years of age) coincided with the beginning of Noah’s Flood – a strong type of the Tribulation. The number ‘969’ is also the fulfilment number for the Bride of Christ at the Rapture (in the prime-fulfilment pattern for the church) and so Absalom fits two typological roles. First, he represents the behaviour of the anti-Christ and the timing of the appearance of anti-Christ at the beginning of the Tribulation (at the signing of the Daniel 9:27 covenant with Israel). Secondly, Absalom speaks of the appearance of anti-Christ around the time of the fulfilment for the Bride of Christ at the Rapture.

For completeness, there is another passage in the New Testament which numerically links the Rapture with the appearance of anti-Christ. In 2 Corinthians 12:4, the Apostle Paul is ‘caught up’ to heaven which is a type of the Rapture and the Greek verb ‘caught up’ has a numerical value in the Greek of 200 – the biblical number which represents the ‘insufficiency of Israel’. In other words, the covenant signing between Israel and anti-Christ (which is the ultimate expression of Israel’s insufficiency and is what begins the judgement of the Tribulation) is indirectly linked with the event of the Rapture. Of course, Paul teaches the Thessalonian church (in 2 Thessalonians 2:7) that the anti-Christ will not be revealed until the ‘restrainer’ (the Holy Spirit) is taken away (at the Rapture).

For perspective in these numerical considerations, there are only 14 words in the whole original text of the Bible (using the ‘Standard Final Form’ method of gematria) which have a numerical value of ‘969’.

Finally, another important reference to ‘66’ in the Bible is in 1 John 2:18 where the Greek words ‘even now’, as an adverbial phrase of time (regarding the timing of ‘forerunner’ anti-Christs arising), have a numerical value of ‘66’ (και [20] νυν [46]). This verse of 1 John 2:18 will be examined in great detail towards the end of this teaching.

The Number ‘11’

In order to understand the biblical meaning of the number ‘11’ it is necessary to understand the biblical meaning of the number ‘12’. The number ‘12’ represents the governmental perfection of Israel in the Millennial Kingdom (12 tribes of Israel etc.). Now, because the number ‘11’ mathematically precedes ‘12’, the number ‘11’ speaks of anticipation of the Millennium.

As part of the Biblical Watch, ‘11’s which appear in global events/signs before the upcoming Millennium may, therefore, signify events which closely precede the Millennium. The 11th hour warning of Armistice Day 1918 (11th hour of 11th day of 11th month) is one such sign. This event marked the end of WW1 (on the western front) and WW1 released the land of Israel away from Ottoman Empire (in favour of the British) and prepared the initial land for Israel in 1948 and ultimately, the Millennium. Only one year previously, the British had declared the Balfour Declaration and still to this day, the British annually mark Armistice Day (ARM) most solemnly and together with the Commonwealth countries.

Mathematically, the 11th triangular number is ‘66’. Modern day events, therefore, embedded with ‘11’s or the number ‘66’ indicate biblical staging points (according to the prime-fulfilment pattern) which closely precede the Millennium or the presence of forerunner anti-Christs. As an interesting example of ‘66’, consider the two notable forerunner anti-Christs Adolf Hitler and Osama Bin Laden – both anti-Semitics and anti-capitalists. They both died a violent death exactly 66 years apart (to the day).

The Number ‘286’ – Gentile Nations Divided Cannot Stand

The last number in our newly discovered prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations is the number ‘286’. This number appears in an extraordinary setting and perhaps the most biblically significant verse concerning the demise of the Gentile Nations at the end (or consummation) of the age.

The first six Greek words of Matthew 24:7 (and remember ‘six’ is the number of ‘man’, especially man in rebellion against God – ‘man’ was created on the sixth day and fell into rebellion almost immediately) speak of the Gentile Nations. Also remember that Israel is not reckoned amongst the Gentile Nations according to Numbers 23:9.

Now Jesus taught earlier in the Book of Matthew that a kingdom divided cannot stand (Matthew 12:22-28) and so when He stated, “For nation will rise against nation”, Messiah declared the future fall of the Gentile Nations. As we can see above, the six consecutive Greek words which speak of ‘nations rising against nations’ have a numerical value of 286 (using the ‘Ordinal’ method) and so the number ‘286’ is in a contextually relevant scripture as relating to Gentile Nations which will fall in favour of Israel.

For perspective, there are only 40 verses in the whole original text of scripture which have a numerical value of ‘286’ (using the ‘Ordinal’ method) – the same as the number of verses (as it happens 40) which have a numerical value of ‘666’. The Bible reveals a veiled numerical link here between the divided Gentile Nations and the anti-Christ (‘666’). This 'divisiveness' between the Gentile Nations highlights the irony in anti-Christ's agenda to ‘unify’ the world under his control. The Bible teaches that the best that anti-Christ will be able to achieve (under his Satanic possession) will be a union of ‘iron and clay’ (Daniel 2:43) – strong in parts but fragile and weak in others.

So, what we have here is the Kingdom of the Gentile Nations being destined to fall, according to Matthew 24:7 and the timing of this fall as being the beginning of the consummation of the age. The mathematical narrative of this fall of the Gentile Nations (in favour of Israel) is underpinned with the fulfilment number (‘286’) of the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations. In other words, at the beginning of the consummation of the age ‘time is up’ for the Gentile Nations who are destined to yield power in favour of Israel. This yielding will not be immediate and there will of course be one ‘final fling’ to destroy the newly re-established (in 1948) Nation of Israel in the Tribulation when anti-Christ (having lured Israel into a false sense of security with a covenant) will act upon his murderous intentions and attempt to wipe out Israel for good (see Revelation 12).

Incidentally, there are no individual words in the Bible with a numerical value of ‘286’ (using the ‘Ordinal’ method) which is a notable absence and adds emphasis to this appearance of ‘286’ in Matthew 24:7.

The Meaning for the Gentile Nations

So, what is the meaning of this prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations and what is the progression? If the biblical meanings of the numbers in the pattern are used, namely ‘five’, ‘11’, ‘66’ and ‘286’, then the interpretation may be as follows:

It was the grace of God (five) in allowing the Gentile Nations world dominion instead of Israel (for the seven ‘times’ or 2520 years of King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4:16) until God warned the Gentile Nations (‘11’) that they would be weakened and divided (‘286’) and destined to fall from the beginning of the consummation of the age in favour of Israel. This moment pre-empted a season of ‘anti-Christs’ (‘66’) who sought to strengthen the divided Gentile Nations through dominant political power. Ultimately, the Gentile Nations will fall (‘286’) at the return of Messiah at the end of the Tribulation.

Bible chronology teaches that the (2 Peter 3:8) ‘two’ days (2000 bible or civil lunar years of 354 days including Jubilee years) of Christendom, approach a time in 1933 but that is as precise as it gets. What we do have, however, are the very specific biblical numbers of the biblical prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations, in particular the numbers ‘11’ and ‘66’. If a globally significant event for the Gentile Nations occurred in 1933 which precisely aligned with these biblical numbers, then this event may be a very strong marker for the beginning of the consummation of the age because the fulfilment number ‘286’ (for the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations) is embedded in the statement of Jesus regarding the signs of the consummation of the age (Matthew 24:7). (Note that this event would, therefore, also provide a timing aspect for the return of Messiah as discussed above in the Timings of Enoch and Methuselah section. The timing of WEC, as an anchor’ for the biblical watch of Messiah’s return, is discussed in detail in the book UBW.)

So, did such an event occur? The 66 Gentile Nations of the whole world who met together at the World Economic Conference (WEC) of 1933 is an excellent fit. Moreover, the number of days between ARM (the anticipation event containing ‘11’s) and WEC is precisely factored by the number of the beast, ‘666’ – the number of the ‘leader’ of the Gentile Nations in their final fling. The number ‘66’ was the headline number of WEC given the 66 nations of the world (in existence at that time) and this 11th triangular number (‘66’) as already discussed, is the biblical ‘holding stage’ or ‘intermediary state’ of the prime-fulfilment pattern (for the Gentile Nations). This precision fit of WEC with the biblical prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations is remarkable – the date differences are to the day!

The following diagram captures these conceptual and mathematical alignments: 

World Economic Conference of 1933

These ‘66’ nations of all the world (at that time) attended the Geological Museum in London on 12th June 1933 in order to solve the world’s most severe economic problems (without God). The day difference between ARM and WEC was precisely factored by the number ‘666’! These two events were separated by exactly ‘666’ x ‘8’ days – the biblical number ‘8’ meaning ‘rising’ and the number ‘666’ representing the anti-Christ. Note that Adolf Hitler (a forerunner anti-Christ) came to power early in this same year of 1933.

The opening of WEC conspicuously omitted an opening prayer towards God and the following statement set the tone, that without doubt, God was not welcome. The conference opened at 3pm (BST) with the following statement by King George V:

“I believe this is the first time in history that any Sovereign has presided at the opening of a conference of all the nations of the world.”

“It cannot be beyond the power of man, so to use the vast resources of the world as to ensure the material progress of civilisation.”

Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, the British Prime Minister and president of the Conference, said:

“There is a greater authority gathered in this Hall than has perhaps ever been brought under one roof in the world’s history.”

“Let us see to it before we disperse that we shall have revived hope and energy and opportunity. For these the world waits, and it is in our power to provide them.”

The conference was marked with the number ‘six’, the number of ‘man’, which falls short of the divine standard of perfection, as determined by the number ‘seven’. There were 66 nations present – June being the sixth month and the 12th day being twice six. According to the newspapers of the day, there were 600 delegates at the evening meal of the opening day. After six weeks, the conference ended in disarray and confusion and six years later, World War 2 broke out. This conference was exceptional in that all 66 nations of the world were represented. It was a unique event which established itself in abject rebellion towards God; a ‘Tower of Babel’ moment for 20th century mankind – humanity’s quintessential expression of government without God in anticipation of the rule and reign of anti-Christ.

Unusual Numerical Properties of 1 John 2:18

The Apostle John teaches us that the presence of anti-Christs means we are in the ‘last hour’. Interestingly, the numerical value of the original Greek words for this verse manifest the numbers in the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations! This suggests, together with the closure of the (2 Peter 3:8) ‘two’ days (2000 bible years) of Christendom and also the rise of a prominent anti-Christ (Adolf Hitler) in this same year, that the last hour and the consummation of the age may be one and the same event.

See the diagram below. Other numbers which appear, namely ‘114’, ‘120’ and ‘381’ are also very important numbers in the biblical watch. See the book ‘Unlocking the Biblical Watch’ for more details.

It is as though the mathematical narrative of 1 John 2:18 is telling a story (reading from left to right) around the central theme of ‘even now’ and the number 66. This narrative may read as follows:

The ‘key’ to understanding the ‘last hour’ will be revealed to His servants the prophets as part of the Body of Christ who are watching. The ‘key’ to the ‘last hour’ is ‘even now’, when all 66 nations of the world met in abject rebellion to God, for the Gentile Nations themselves (without God) to solve the world’s monetary and economic problems. The timing (‘even now’) and the failure of this gathering (manifested as kingdoms divided – ‘286’) triggered the rise of the dominant leadership of significant anti-Christs and ultimately the final anti-Christ.


The prime-fulfilment pattern is a repeatable mathematical pattern found in the Bible which details the prophetic progression of certain individuals or ‘groups’ with whom the Lord has dealings during the end-times. It is a pattern of elegant form which gives forensic authentication to the fulfilment of upcoming dispensational events in the Bible. A new prime-fulfilment pattern has been discovered for the Gentile Nations and the fulfilment number of this new pattern (‘286’) is found in the key scripture passage where Jesus teaches about the beginning of the consummation of the age. 

Jesus taught that a kingdom divided cannot stand (Matthew 12:22-28) and so when He stated, “For nation will rise against nation”, Messiah inferred the future fall of the Gentile Nations which can only be in favour of Israel. The fulfilment number ‘286’ which concludes the prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations could not have appeared in a more significant location in the Bible – namely the first six consecutive Greek of verse when Jesus says ‘nation will rise against nation’, in other words a division of violence.

There is correlation of numbers within this newly discovered biblical prime-fulfilment pattern with modern day events. The number of days between ARM of 1918 (featuring the number ‘11’) and WEC of 1933 (featuring the number ‘66’) is factored by the number 666’. Armistice Day (ARM) at the end of WW1, was important because it released the land of Israel away from the Ottoman Empire (in favour of the British) and prepared the (initial) land for Israel in the Millennium.

The (numbers in the) prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations are also found embedded in 1 John 2:18 – a contextually relevant verse regarding the rising of anti-Christs in the last hour. This correlation (of numbers) associates the last hour with the consummation of the age.

In conclusion, a major premise of the book ‘Unlocking the Biblical Watch of Messiah’s Return’ (page 214) is that the Key of David (Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7) is a metaphor for biblical numbers which open understanding regarding the return of Messiah. The prime-fulfilment pattern for the Gentile Nations is such a biblical ‘key’ which perfectly fits the door of two major global events (ARM and WEC) at the end of Christendom and yields a precision timing for the beginning of the consummation of the age. The world is now in the turmoil of this Gentile Nation ‘holding pattern’ whilst waiting for the church to depart at the Rapture, so that the final world leader (the anti-Christ) may be revealed and briefly take up his diabolically constructed reins of control in a final (and futile) abject rebellion against God. The Tribulation will then run its course until the Gentile Nations yield their world domination to Israel under Messiah, at the beginning of the Millennial Kingdom.

As a final thought and with reference to the ‘grace’ of God regarding the previously mentioned longevity of Gentile Nation world dominion, it so happens that there are exactly five mentions of the number ‘66’ in the surface narrative of scripture. These are Genesis 46:26, Leviticus 12:5, 1 Kings 10:14, 2 Chronicles 9:13 and Ezra 2:13.