Did The Rapture Just Happen?

If many people around the world have just disappeared without trace and these people were known to have a personal faith or belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as the Son of God, then the biblical event known as The Rapture’, has just happened.

The Rapture has been anticipated throughout the previous 2000 years of the Christian Age because Jesus promised His disciples, at His last supper, that he would return for His bride and bring her to His Father’s house:

John 14:2-3 In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.

What Happens Next?

So, what happens next? Well, this collection by Jesus for His bride (known as The Rapture) precedes a seven year period known as The Tribulation. The Tribulation begins with the signing of a covenant between Israel and a prominent world leader (the anti-Christ). As part of this covenant, Israel will be allowed to re-build their Holy Temple in Jerusalem. The first half of The Tribulation is fairly peaceful but in the middle of these seven years the anti-Christ changes gear and God sends terrible judgements down on the world. At the end of these seven years, Jesus Christ returns to the earth as Divine Judge and King to take over rulership of the world with believing Israel as top nation. This appearing of Jesus as Divine Judge and King at the end of these seven years, is known as the second coming of Christ after which the world then enters a period of a 1000 years, biblically called the 'millennium', with Jesus ruling the whole earth and believing Israel as top nation.

Revelation 20:7 Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison.

This biblical timeline and events are written up in the two books on this website, which are now available as free downloads below (.pdf format). This website significantly extends the detail in the books with up to date ‘watch’ events, teaching papers and audio studies.

Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Daniel 12:9-10 And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand”.

Free Downloads (Yet To Be Released)

Of Messiah's Return

Published 2019Buy Here
404 PagesBlack & White Interior7 x 10 in (17.78 x 25.4 cm)

In the Consummation of the Age

Published 2015Buy Here 
338 PagesBlack & White Interior7 x 10 in (17.78 x 25.4 cm)

Unlocking the Biblical Watch Of Messiah's Return

The transition of world power away from the Gentile nations in favour of Israel has been in play over the recent century. The nation of Israel will shortly be established in global authority under Messiah’s rulership, after an intense period of judgement and the short reign of anti-Christ. The ‘biblical watch’ connects the ‘waypoints’ of this transition with extraordinary detail and based on scriptural principles.

Central to this watch is the Lord’s marking of bodies of people (or individuals) to signify His intention to intervene. This divine ‘marking’ scheme is the use of triangular numbers, famously counterfeited by the Devil with the triangular number ‘666’. For both the church and believing Israel, this biblical marking is for ‘escape’ from the current ‘foe’ of physical death.

Importantly, this ‘wisdom’ of figurative numbers is seen to link the biblical meaning of the ‘Key of David’ (a key which opens ‘understanding’) with the ‘Wonderful Numberer’ of Daniel’s visions. Combined with the ‘midnight’ resurrection and the ‘liberty’ of Jubilee, the biblical principles for ‘watching’ are established.

The scriptural watch is not ‘newspaper exegesis’ or wishful speculation, rather a precision fit of the biblical ‘tools’ of the watch with transitional world events. Starting with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 1914 (which began World War One) and moving forward through the Balfour Declaration, Armistice Day, the World Economic Conference of 1933, the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, the collapse of the Twin Towers in New York in 2001, the Chilean Miner Rescue of 2010 and the ‘Brexit’ Referendum of 2016, the wisdom of the ‘Key of David’ and the ‘Wonderful Numberer’ is strikingly present in the day count separating these events. The biblical watch is unlocked.

So many in the Body of Christ are ambivalent towards the Lord’s mandate to watch, but the Lord wants the church to awake! Messiah’s words to sleeping Peter during the ‘last hour’ in Gethsemane are the Lord’s words to His living body who are currently present on the earth at the end of this age: “Could you not watch with Me for one hour?”

Unlocking the Sign Miracles of John In the Consummation of the Age

The Bible speaks of several upcoming global events which occur at the end of the Christian Age including the ‘catching-up’ or rapture of the believing church, a period of tribulation for the nation of Israel and the second coming of Messiah. This book presents a unique chronological framework for these events, unveiled within the eight sign miracles of John’s Gospel. Each sign miracle targets a facet of God’s concluding work in the consummation of this age, for either the Body of Christ or the nation of Israel. 

Underpinning this framework is an elegant, figurative and radix independent mathematical transformation, derived from the numerical values of key words and phrases in the autographic Hebrew and Greek text of scripture. First observed in the Hebrew Book of Genesis, when Eve is created from the rib of Adam, it represents God’s dealings and direct intervention with humanity. This same transformation gracefully manifests itself in the written details of three substantial ‘end of age’ events, including the Rapture and the second coming of Messiah.

The sign miracles of John’s Gospel are truly unlocked, confirming God’s intention of intervention in the unfolding of the consummation of the age.